The Annual General Meeting in Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB 2007 was held on September 7. At the Meeting the following persons were re-elected as Members of the Board: Claes Piehl, Julian Aleksov, Peter Ström and Bo Cederstrand. The Board appointed Bo Cederstrand as Chairman of the Board.
The Meeting decided to adopt the Board’s proposal of private placement.
The Board’s proposal of private placement
The company share capital amounts to SEK 3 185 131 at present, distributed over 31 851 310 shares in total. The Board proposes that the share capital should be increased with SEK 152 369 through an issue of 1 523 631 new shares of type A, on the terms stated below:
1. The new shares shall be subscribed with deviating preferential rights of the shareholders’ representatives’ rights, by Oasmia SA Luxembourg
2. For every share shall be paid an amount of SEK 40,10 where SEK 40 constitutes premium.
3. Share subscription and off-sets shall be made by October 15 at the latest.
4. The new shares shall be eligible for dividends as of the current fiscal year.